Thursday, September 18, 2014

My picks for the 10 most badass Witches from TV & Movies

Every Halloween season, in trying to come up with a costume, I always consider falling back on a timeless classic and dressing as a Witch.
And last year I did just that, donning a black hat and dress, with my face painted green as an ode to the fabulous Wicked Witch of the West.

Witches, real and otherwise, come in all shapes, sizes and styles. They have intrigued, terrified, and fascinated people for centuries. With Halloween again approaching, I would like to salute some of my favorite fictional witches from television and the big screen, in no particular order.
First, a disclaimer, you will no doubt notice that absent from my list is the infamous Wicked Witch with a shoe fetish. This is only because I wanted to include some newcomers, and perhaps a couple less obvious choices.

Without further adieu, here are my favorites. Hope you enjoy!

10. The Sanderson Sisters (Hocus Pocus)

I couldn't bear to separate them for this because, well,  they belong together. And while I have a special love for sexy Sarah (because that's my name, and because I adore SJP) all three life-sucking witches deserve a spot on my list. Favorite Sanderson sisters moments include Winnifred's rendition of "I put a spell on you", Mary's vacuum ride, and Sarah's dance with "the devil", or "Master" as they call him. (I felt sorry for them when they realized he wasn't their leader after all.)
You know a witch has you under her spell when you find yourself rooting for her to capture just one more child to suck the life force from, but alas, they got greedy. Instead of using the teenage bullies they had caged up, they sought to destroy Max and Dani, and failed.

Word on the street is a sequel is in the works. And while it isn't likely to happen, I have my fingers crossed for a return of these three ladies together on screen.

9. The Red Lady, Melisandre (Game of Thrones)
I am not even sure if Melisandre is technically a witch, but she casts spells, makes potions, wears a cape, and birthed a freaking murderous shadow. I don't love Melisandre, but I know a badass when I see one.
I just hope she keeps away from Jon Snow next season.

8. Nancy Downs (The Craft)
Poor, crazy Nancy. She just didn't want to be white trash anymore and look what happened? She wound up friendless, restrained, and flying for eternity in her own mind.
But before it all went wrong, Nancy was one hardcore badass weirdo with her black eyeliner and cigarettes, able to lead a small cult of teenage witch wannabes like a 90's goth girl Charlie Manson. Nancy, keep flying girl. You could have been the next supreme.

7. Joanna Beauchamp (The Witches of East End)
What is more powerful than a Witch and her spells you ask? A mama witch protecting her eternally ill fated daughters, that's what.
Joanna Beauchamp is sexy, smart, and has lived hundreds of years trying to save her children from their doom again and again by any means necessary. She also reads tarot cards. All of the above make her just a little bit cooler than your Mom. (sorry)

6. Ursula, The Sea Witch (The Little Mermaid)

Ursula is proof that with the right shade of red lipstick, a girl can do whatever she wants. While I personally feel she's just a bit misunderstood, most inhabitants of the deep sea might view Ursula as a control hungry narcissist willing to step on anyone who stands in the way of her one true love- POWER.
My opinion? Deep down inside, she is just a poor, unfortunate soul.
(Maybe Mother didn't hug baby Ursula enough with those 8 sticky tentacles?)

5. Prue Halliwell (Charmed)

If anyone was born to play a witch, it was Shannen Doherty. (remember Brenda?)
Prue was definitely the toughest and most powerful of the sister witches on the show, but sadly after three seasons, they killed her off. Rumors surfaced that it may have had something to do with the fact that Doherty was just as much of a witch off screen as she was on.
Regardless, for me the show was never the same, even with the casting of the sultry Rose McGowan.

4. Endora (Bewitched)
Sure, the main character on the show Bewitched was Endora's daughter Samantha, but Endora was the witch who really shook things up around Stephen's household. Always meddling in her daughters affairs, Endora truly meant well. And with a friends list that throughout the centuries included Helen of Troy and Julius Caesar, it sounds like she was the original socialite.
Much to her daughters dismay, Endora didn't exactly care for Sam's husband Darrin, and she always wished Samantha would embrace her own witchy roots more- and who can blame her? Mother does know best.

3. Eva Ernst AKA The Grand High Witch (The Witches)
When your main goal in life is to kill children because you don't like their scent, you might just be the most terrifying witch ever.
Some of her talents include shooting beams from her eyes- death ray style, turning people into mice or other more easily disposed of creatures, and removing her human disguise to reveal a nightmare inducing appearance. (the above pic is only the halfway point, it gets more frightening)
Angelica Huston was born to play Eva. She's mean, she's evil,and yes, she's a badass.

2. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Maleficent's powers come straight from the source of all that is dark and unholy-  good old H.E. double hockey sticks. And she proudly boasts that fact while declaring herself the mistress of all evil.
Possibly the darkest Disney villain ever, Maleficent can control the weather, teleport, and if all else fails, she just slips on into dragon mode.
One thing is for sure, you don't want to forget to add her to your facebook event invite list. If you do, there will be hell to pay.

1. Fiona Goode (American Horror Story, Coven)

While I didn't intend for this list to be in any particular order, I would be lying if I tried to say that placing Jessica Lange as Fiona Goode in the number one spot was unintentional.
Fiona is relentless, intelligent, cunning, unforgiving, independent and incredibly sexy and fierce.She says what everyone else is thinking and makes no apologies for it.   

(SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT) She may not be winning any mother of the year awards for her relationship with her own daughter, but the scene in which she brought a still born baby back to life tore me up and made me see that Fiona truly does have a heart in there... a cold, black heart, but a heart none-the-less.
Cheers to Fiona Goode, someone get that witch another drink.

So, who gets your vote for most badass witch of all?

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